Tuesday, June 24, 2008


First off, quick aside.  I had every intention of posting this yesterday, but then our power flicked off and on and the wireless router died for the dozenth time this year and then refused to come back.  And so I was without internet, because I refused to sit down like a normal person and plug into the ethernet cable.  Because - WIRES! The weight of it all, the tied-down-ness.  It was all more than I could bear.  Also I was somewhat busy digging my way out of the pit of despair our house descended into over the course of the busy weekend.
So now things are back to normal, the house is no longer in danger of being condemned, and Big Daddy picked up a spankin' new wireless router, thus restoring my faith in the internets. All is mostly right with the world.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled insanity.
I may have mentioned once or twice or eleventy-billion times that I have a small problem with phone anxiety.  
Talking to strangers or even acquaintances over the phone has been known to give me heart palpitations, sweaty palms, and halitosis.
So it was a big step for me to spend an hour chatting with Pete of Fiddley Gomme for his Blogger Love On Wednesdays podcast.
Pete is an incredibly personable guy, and I have a feeling he'd be great to set with over a couple of beers.  Not that lightweight Utah stuff, where they water the beer down to like 4 percent.  I'm talking good, New England Lager beers.  
That said, I'm also fairly sure that I talked too much, talked too fast, and meandered down Tangent Lane a few too many times.  I mentioned to him (off recording) that I have been living happily in my little bubble of relative anonymity, and I'm somewhat ambivalent about venturing out into new territory. I've never received hate mail, nor have I had to deal with trolls and other lower life forms.  It's like the Garden of Eden -- all naively exuberant exploration without any real consequences.
It's probably to be expected, then, that I'm feeling a little anxious about letting that go and moving on into the Big Bad World.
But moving on I am.  I started with getting my ticket to BlogHer for this year... and now everyone except my Mom can tune in to Pete's B.L.O.W. podcast this Wednesday to hear me interviewed.   He's too nice to tell you that I'm as awkward to talk to on the phone as you would imagine, but I suspect he required a stiff drink and perhaps a high colonic in order to recover from exposure to all hundred kinds of my crazy.  Anyway, be sure to give it a listen so that you, too, can hear me cackle like a hyena and possibly talk about conceiving my children under the influence of too much wine. 
Thanks, Pete.  You're a gentleman and a scholar. :)


anymommy said...

How cool. I thought I should let you know that your anonymity is going to be futher compromised tomorrow morning! I am starting a weekly post on All Mediocre with an in depth visit to an All Mediocre blogger. I randomly picked you as the first subject. I had a blast checking out your site the other night - I even delved back to the beginnings! Hopefully, you'll get a lot of very positive visits this week - and absolutely no trolls.


Amy in Ohio said...
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Amy in Ohio said...

I'll check it out tonight after work when the man isn't watching me!

I found you via AllMediocre and Stacey's post referenced above.

Hope to bump into you at BlogHer!


Maura said...

I'll look forward to listening and reading more here. I also come to you by way of AllMediocre, which I'm excited to join.

And now I'm thinking that I should probably be going to BlogHer, since I live so nearby...

Cookie said...

OMG! My internet wasn't working this afternoon and I was going crazy trying to fix it! THank goodness I married a computer geek. I was so tempted to call him at work and tell him there was an emergency and he needed to hurry home (just to fix the internet connection) but I restrained. I feel much better now!

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