Friday, June 06, 2008

Friday Foto Feature

So I took this photo of the box that the MacBook came in

And then I kinda, sorta got distracted by the actual MacBook once I opened the box, and then I never took a photo of it, the end.
But! Mayhaps I can redeem myself with a new feature.  I have decided to make Fridays the day that I remember to share photos, since I seem to have an unconscious aversion to posting them more often during the week.  (Except for the totally rad photo from King's Dominion circa somewhere around 1986.  The pigtails, sunglasses, and jams combination was too bodacious for words, y'all.)
I am also going to attempt to include in the Friday Fotos Feature a photo of one of my favorite maternity outfits each week.  I am not, by any stretch of anyone's imagination, much of a fashionista... but this is the first pregnancy where I have felt reasonably good about the clothes I am wearing most of the time.  I'm not sure how long that will last, as I will likely soon outgrow most of my mid-trimester duds, but what the heck, let's give it a shot.
So, without further adieu (but not before noting that the Summer Reading List will be posted Monday! For really and truly this time!)


Our Little Graduate.

In this moment? I remembered why we haven't sold them on eBay.  

 The first sure sign of Summer: the ice-cream truck makes a daily sojourn through the neighborhood... and slowly pulls me into a diabetic coma.

Too Cool Like the Old School.
Also, coming home today!

These sandals took 2 months on backorder to finally make their way to me.
Sooo worth the wait.


Katie said...

I love the pictures! You look great! I love it when pregnant girls are stylish.

PamelaMKramer said...

Love the photos! I'm glad you didn't sell the boys on Ebay! LOLOL