Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Cup Runneth Over

This is not in reference to my pregnancy-enhanced cleavage (Although those cups? They also runneth over, in case you were wondering. And we both know you were.)
No, instead this is about all the blog love I have received this week.
First, there was the Fiddley Gomme BLOW interview - with your host, Pete!  I highly recommend the experience.  If you are a lesser-known blogging type entity with an interest in pulling back the curtain a little and letting people get to know you better... well, I highly recommend getting in touch with Pete and asking very sweetly if he would like to BLOW you.  Just make sure it's the right Pete, because someone else could take that the wrong way.
Then!  AND THEN!  The lovely Stacey from Is There Any Mommy Out There? gave me a totally unexpected gift -- a profile on the maiden voyage of AllMediocre's new feature  -  the spankin' fresh "The Lonely Blogosphere Guidepost Series".
So be sure to stop by and check it out.  While you're at it, peruse the rest of the AllMediocre blogroll - there's some good stuff up in there, y'all - and see if you don't find a few new daily reads.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off in search of Coffee.  I hear it's a local specialty in the Land of Aum...  


Trish said...

So glad to meet you - I just found the Allmediocre site today and saw your blog featured!

Jennifer S said...

Found you through AllMediocre--glad I did!

The BLOW acronym cracks me up. I think I have the funny bone of a 12 year old boy, though.

Anonymous said...

You obviously deserve the recognition. Yay you!