Friday, June 20, 2008

Technicolor Spectacular

So last night was the Tee Ball Team Party.  The season ended all-too-quickly, and I'm already feeling unexpectedly nostalgic for Saturday afternoons at the ball field.  
The players, coaches, and parents met up at a restaurant to engage in the time-honored tradition of the Team Pizza Party.  The pizza and soda flowed, and we wrapped up the journey we have taken together over the past few months with a spectacular cake.
This cake was a replica of, what else, a baseball diamond - complete with rich green grass and muddy brown infield.  The colors were really quite eye-popping.
And the point of this little anecdote (about which none of you really give a flying rat's buttocks) is to get us back to this morning.  Specifically, you may follow me to the bathroom where I had to help Jack wipe his bum this morning.
He usually does this on his own now, you see, but he was in a bit of a panic because his poop was the exact color of green Play Doh.  Which scared the junk out of me - until I remembered that frosting.  I explained to him about the color coming out the same as it went in, and he finally came around to believing his insides weren't about to spontaneously combust.
And just to drive home the point, about 20 minutes later I did my own Play Doh-tinted party trick.  Which, of course, he demanded to inspect - just to be sure I wasn't pulling his leg about the food-coloring.
Welcome to The Family Aum.... where we are comfortable enough to critique each others' technicolor poo.  That's real LOVE, man.   


Nats said...

Funny what we do as moms. Course I wouldn't be suprised if Cory ran out to show me some of his own work.

anymommy said...

Hilarious. I never imagined how much I'd think about poop when I became a mom. You're boys are adorable. And, I know what you mean about bigger families. We have three and we get the 'are you done yet' thing all the time!

Congratulations on your third little man.

I'm visiting from all mediocre.

Anonymous said...

Visiting from All Mediocre...yay!

First, The Eldest Child decided not to play baseball this year, so I totally get the nostalgia for the baseball field on Saturdays. We didn't get that at all this year and I missed it.

As for the poop...been there. But with blue ice cream that I didn't know he'd had. Talk about freaked out. After quizzing him for 20 minutes, he finally said, "Well, I did have blue ice cream yesterday." Pooping is totally an open conversation topic at the Chubby house.