Thursday, March 15, 2007

Giving Birth Control A Run For The Money.

In case you missed the most jaw-dropping characteristic of my life (or at least the one most people find the most memorable), I happen to be one of ten kids. That's ten natural kids. No adoptions, no multiple births. 10 individual, opinionated, and very loud children. It was a sort of controlled chaos at our house, and looking back I realize that (at least in the group I came up with) there was more order in our house then than there probably is in mine now.

The point, though, is that I am most comfortable in a crowd. Stopping at 2 kids has never been, for me, a serious consideration. I don't want to have 10, mind you, or even half that number. But the 3-4 range? Sure, I'm on board - so long as there is access to plenty of therapy, because my kids deserve a mom who is on the "fun" side of crazy. Without the proper tools to keep myself in check, I would run a very real risk of turning into more of the "No wire hangers! EVER!" flavor of crazy mother, and nobody wants that -- least of all me.

It's the spacing, the readiness for the next one, that is the burning question of the era. I'm not ready to open that can quite yet -- there are still too many issues to work out health-wise, and a few other life twists to get settled before we will be ready to see what our combined genes can create on the next try.

I have to say, though... with the first two results like this? Some days... it's hard to stay reasonable and rational about it all....

Thank heaven for the occasional reality check. Like when Jack decides to try out "biting" as a punitive measure against his parents, or Tobin's recent decision that every morning MUST begin with "The Upside Down Show", even if he wakes up at 5am and has to scream at full volume for 30 minutes in order to communicate this to Mama.

It is on those days that I remember to check the supply levels of the Anti-Pregnancy-Arsenal.

So we are currently stocked through about 2010. And as a bonus? In case some sort of post-apocalyptic nightmare should ensue? No chance I'll have to fend off the invading Zombie armies with a bun in this here oven. Talk about a win-win.

1 comment:

Aerin said...

1 of 10??!? That's amazing. My dad is one of 10 - I can't imagine. Family reunions are very hectic.

As I've mentioned before, Shane and David are difficult enough in the late afternoon - I can't imagine them at 5 in the morning.