Monday, March 19, 2007

It's A New Dawn, It's A New Day...

Sometimes a single thing can turn the tide and make you see the world with new eyes. Today? It's all about Vegas, baby, Vegas!

You see, in just a few weeks I will be having a birthday. I usually think as little about my birthday as possible, as the closer I get to thirty the more I realize that I missed the boat on the whole college career scanario. Not that I can't go back to school and punch that card, just that I will be doing it as one of those "non-traditional" students -- the mom who talks about her kids and school pageants while the other kids are discussing last night's raging kegger. I knew those moms when I was in school the last time, and they found the casual youth of those around them disconcerting, to say the least.

But I digress.

You see, the thing about this particular birthday is that it brings with it two very cool events. The first is that my sister-in-law, one of my most favoritest people in the whole world, is coming out to DC for her brother's wedding and will, in all likelihood, be spending the evening of my birthday with us at my brother's house. This is a very very cool thing. She also brings with her the third, and newest, of their baby girls. Hi Baby Ava! I can't wait to meet you and shower you with auntly adoration while I secretly pine for a little girl of my own to dress in unholy amounts of pink until she won't let me any more. You'll remember me as the crazy aunt. That's okay, I sorta expect it.

The other thing about this birthday that has me excited? T broke down and told me about my present early, since it requires some coordination effort on my part. You see, I have never been to Las Vegas. Well, there was that one half-hour layover at the airport there on my way to L.A. the time I went home with my friend Natalie for Thanksgiving from college and got sick and spent Thanksgiving day puking in her bathroom but still felt cool because I had shopped at a receord store called "Vinyl Fetish".

BUT! Other than that? I have never been in Vegas. And, until recently, have never had a real reason to want to go. I mean, I know it's supposed to be a blast and all that, but really - have you met me? I'm all in for a good time, but my hedonism these days generally extends as far as checking out the cute waiter at Ruby Tuesday's only after he takes the time to be nice to my kids.

But you see... Dr. Allie, and her other half, the Amazing Wonder Steve? They happen to call a little town, just outside Vegas, their home. Allie and I met when we were both 13 years old. At first, we were mortal enemies. You see, her ex-best-friend Julie claimed me for a friend when I first moved there and so, naturally, since Julie hated her so must I.

The problem was, while it was one thing to go with the party line as the new kid who was just glad to have a friend, it was quite different to dislike one person for the sake of another in the long-term.

Especially since I'm not the type of person to dislike people in general. Oh, I know - I really don't do well with "people", but that has more to do with my lack of ability to pick up on social cues and such. On an individual level, I find something to appreciate in the majority of people who cross my path. I began to get very uncomfortable with this whole "We Hate Allison" thing. My mother, being much wiser and more practical than I, suggested I invite Allison out to a movie and make my own decision about her after actually - you know - like, talking to her and stuff. (Ah Momzer. What an incredible lesson, hard for me to learn then yet so easy to see clearly now.)

That was the beginning of the end for Julie and me. She couldn't forgive me for fraternizing with the enemy, and I had found the most important girlfriend of my life. We were more like sisters. Even the few fights we had were more akin to sisterly squabbles, and usually? Usually they were my fault. She was always more mature than I, more willing to shrug off the judgment of others, more quick to forgive when forgiveness was sought.

We have waxed and waned over the years, sometimes going months without talking and then just as suddenly picking up right where we left off. She was the maid of honor at my wedding. She is perhaps the best listener I have ever met, and one of a very few people in this world that I trust to forgive me my foibles and love me for the person underneath - the one who loves her back and is honored to know her.

She was still nearly a child when she decided she wanted to become a doctor. Today? She is well on her way, making me incredibly proud while she's busting her butt in medical school and refusing to quietly accept injustice she can put right.

And now? Now, in honor of my birthday, T has given me a pass to spend a long weekend in Vegas with my Best Girl. All by my lonesome. I can't think of a birthday present that would have put as much spring in my step and twinkle in my eye as this one.

Break out the Green Boots, Allie. I'm comin' to Vegas, and I fully expect to come home with a second husband, as witnessed by a Korean Elvis Impersonator. (Just kidding, T.)(Mostly.)


Aerin said...

How exciting! I wanted to go to Vegas for the big 3 0 but we ended up throwing a bash at our home. One of these days!

Allie said...

I'm so excited--I'm already making plans! I've gotta get some cookie dough made and frozen! =)