Thursday, October 18, 2007

Seven Deadly Sins

The following will prove, beyond doubt, that I am guilty of Greed and Pride. At least, though, I can rest easy knowing that I have inspired others to Envy... Because you must needs envy both the cake and my child.

On Monday he ate through one apple...

Nobody knows it, but you've got a secret smile...

Not necessarily in that order, by the way.

Also, seeing as how the party was nearly a week ago, I think we can count Sloth covered. I have no good excuse for taking so long to get the photos uploaded. I might have been busy watching Chuck on the TiVO.

The fact that we consumed enough of the cake to choke an elephant neatly covers Gluttony.

Birthday Cake Death Match. FIGHT!

Jack had Greed totally covered. The fights over Toby's new loot erupted before the gift wrap hit the floor, and ended with Jack going on a serious time-out in his bedroom - carried by his father, to whom I will assign Wrath. Because there is nothing more fun than watching your kid act like he is being raised by wild wolf-monkeys in front of a houseful of company.

This is what a toddler's face looks like when his brain explodes -
upon realizing that ALL the toys? They are his.

Last, but not least, we come to Lust.

This photo is of our friend Charlie. And it's not what you're thinking, my friends. The man once shoved my face in his stinky armpit after a showerless, 3-day Diablo II gaming marathon, Until I begged for mercy and nearly asphyxiated. So, yeah, Lust is not high on my list of Charlie emotions. (However, sisterly love and a vague sense that he may - at any moment - surprise me with a wedgie? Totally Charlie.) Nor was it his lovely wife who evoked such passion.

Oh no. It was his iPhone.

I touched it. I played with it. I lovingly stroked it and whispered sweet nothings into its electronic earpiece. I might have drooled on it just a little. (which, incidentally, might not be covered by warranty. But should be.) It almost made me want to go back to working full-time -- just so I'd have an excuse to own such an expensive status symbol. And maybe get someone else to pay for it. For a split second it seemed like a good trade.

And then I remembered why I am staying home for the moment. And I let go of the iPhone. (There may have been some prying of fingers and perhaps some tears involved, sure, but my heart was totally in the right place.)

Resistance is futile.

All in all? Two is good. Really, really good.

1 comment:

Allie said...

That cake is amazing Mel! And how cute is Toby?--especially in that last picture.
You're a great mom.