Saturday, November 18, 2006

All About The Quickie.....

Because tonight? I am all about the quickie. This wifi has reached new heights of horrid when it comes to reliability, and will be replaced at the first opportunity. I will have to hurry and get this in before it crashes on me yet again... So here you are.

I will leave you with my thought for the day, and a Thanksgiving haiku.

First, the thought... Husbands who buy themselves things in November that are ON THEIR CHRISTMAS LIST because they are too impatient to wait for another month to see what Santa will bring them? Are highly likely to find a lump of coal in their stocking on Christmas morning.

Not that the above was targeted at anyone in particular. Obviously not my husband, who would never, ever do something so despicable.


Oh! And so? A Thanksgiving Haiku.

The weather turns cold
Air scented sweet with decay
Thank yous and laughter

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