Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Statistical Improbabilities...

Oh dear oh dear. It's the NaBloPoMo Randomizer, and it's bringing on a raging case of paranoia.

So I have decided I must not look at stats again for at least a week, because those numbers? They're growing exponentially. I can totally attribute a few of them to some very funny search randomness - Hello to you folks who keep finding me in by googling spanking euphemisms! (If I ever go broke, I'll just open an online store catering to Spanking Fetishes. Undertapped market there, apparently)

But the rest of you? You who came here because you thought that people participating in this event were perhaps dedicated writers with articulate voices and unique perspectives? To you I must apologize. I can only offer you my condolences and a link to the illustrious Lisa Stone over at Surfette. Because she is those things and more.

Me? I pretty much talk about my neurotic personality tics, my inability to mature into a functional adult, my departure from mormonism, and my spectacular breasts.

Hey, my target demographic totally gets that. And the rest? Well, most people appreciate hearing about someone crazier than they are. Also? Very few people don't appreciate a shapely bosom - and they're busy buggering congressional pages, and decidedly not clued in to the power of the Mommy demographic.

Then again? Regardless of your love or hate for Nancy Pelosi... some of that disinterest in the Mom Clout may finally be resolved now that the US will be having our very fist Woman Speaker of the House.

I think I may have just had a tiny little orgasm at the joyous shock of that notion. Either that? Or the frozen pizza at dinner is backing up on me.

Either way? A woman is about to be but a few heartbeats from the presidency... So yeah. Probably not the pizza after all...

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