Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Citizen Canine & Words Not So Divine...

Yesterday I used the word "orgasm" on the internet, gave a repeat shout-out to my mammaries, and today I'm talking about my dog's testicles. You see, Gizmo went to the vet's this morning for neuter surgery.

So in the midst of all of this socially appropriate and very cerebral discourse, it makes sense that I would break my own rule and check webstats one more time this morning. (Honestly, I left the window open last night, so I just hit the refresh. It was barely even intentional.)

I have received a lot of hits from Utah in recent weeks. Not that that was surprising -- my family is pretty familiar with the series of tubes that is the internet, and quite well versed in The Google. And anyone googling my actual name would find this place at the top of the list.

But I have so much family in Utah, it was impossible to be certain who was actually frequenting the site - especially since I had only mentioned it to a very few relatives.

That is, until this morning. Because? I'm quite certain that I only know two people who could be surfing the net from "Ghana Telecom's Customer - Latter Day Saints Accra". And somehow I don't think Dad is a big surfer of the blogosphere.

So... HI MOM!! You've been outed. And please stop foaming at the mouth over the whole Nancy Pelosi thing. I promise the country is not going to fall apart without you here to shape the political landscape by the sheer force of your will. Glad we cleared that up. LOVE YOU!! :)


Anonymous said...

Love you more! Found you a couple of days ago. You never talked this much at home! While I wish you didn't feel compelled to share all your bodily functions with the world, I think you are a very talented writer! Take good care of my terrific grandsons!

Kjersti said...

I should come out of the shadows for a minute to let you know that I, too, am one of your faithful Utah readers. It didn't really occur to me until right now, but I don't think I've EVER commented on your blog. Despite having it listed in my Favorites. And checking it every day. I can't help it. I think you're a really great writer and I love the way you talk about your kids. You sum up the things I wish I could say about Kameryn, my daughter. Especially when you write about the light in their eyes that you never want to see dim.
And by the way, I'm Allison's little sister, in case you don't remember me! :)