Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy Hump Day!

It's Wednesday. Wednesdays are always bizarre, aren't they? I mean, it would have to be a Wednesday in order for me to be able to list off the following events with a straight face and total honesty:

*The Gizmo, he is officially castrated. Which is good news, really, because if I have to be outnumbered this badly gender-wise? At least I now have the animals on my side: 2 female cats and a totally neutered boy dog.

*Speaking of totally neutered animals? I'm still reeling from the AP report that Webb has taken Virginia. It's sorta like finding out that what you thought was cancer is really just a raging case of herpes -- not at all fatal, yet still totally inconvenient... but nobody to blame but yourself. But if I'm going to wax political, I can at least back away slowly from this messy semi-victory in order to focus on the real meat of today's political headlines...

*Rumsfeld is history. Just a bit too late on the whole "make nice with what the public demands" front. Had this happened a few weeks ago it might have saved a few red seats from their unceremonius turnover in yesterday's crucible. But hey, I'm not going to complain about that.

Note to the White House: Please feel free to continue to be soooo ten minutes ago when it comes to having a clue about the political climate of mainstream America. In fact, if you can somehow forget about Rick Santorum totally getting the smackdown (in the face of his venemous and vocal hatred of gays) and just figure maybe it was something else about him that gave people nausea? That would be great. Don't listen to Nancy Pelosi calling the President "the emperor with no clothes"... I mean, hey... what does she know? After all, she's only the most arguably powerful woman in the history of American Politics. And I bet she only got there because she has such great hair. So you go ahead on and continue to oppose things like funding new lines of stem cell research and an increase in minimum wage. This whole "Do what's best for the most people" thing is probably just a fad, anyway.

*As evidenced by the fact that I just loopy-looped around my own cynical dialogue so many times even I'm not sure I got the point of that little diatribe, I am getting too little sleep again and attempting to accomplish many more things than can reasonably be executed in a single lifetime.

To which I say to you... I'm going to go to sleep now.

In a world much more able to give me hope than the one I woke up in yesterday.

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