Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Time Out, Time In

I promised you meat - I did, I did. What you really want is pudding... but how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat? But tonight, I am so drained... so devoid of mental power from the grueling events of this week, I find I have little to say.

That's not to say I'm depressed tonight. Far from it, really. I've accomplished so much recently. Perhaps that's why I am so tired. So I'll give you a brief recap tonight - of events past and future, accomplishments of late and even a bit of the "other stuff" that is probably best left alone. Because I never do seem to be able to just leave it alone, now, do I. (That wasn't a question.)

SO! Here you are:

- Completed the photo package from the baby shoot from mid-November. Not as laggy as it sounds, what with the holiday weekend eating into work time and all of the HOA madness. Plus? It's a complimentary session, so I don't expect my client will complain over much.

- Did a photo shoot this morning with a new baby girl and her two big sisters. Also? Realized that I am nowhere near ready to think about a third kid. Sticking to my guns on this one, there will be a healthy break to focus on these two boys before I consider going back into that ring. I'm not shutting the door, mind you. Just putting up a "baby gate" for now, if you will. The door is open, but the barrier is firmly in place.

- Just realized how much all of that above babble sounded like one long euphemism for birth control. Which it was not - truly. But it's funnier if it was, so let's pretend it was intentional.

- In case you missed the part where I went back and removed the content of an earlier post from this month, I'll explain. Knowing someone involved with a Webzine finally got a fire under my buttocks to submit something for publication. SO! I reworked it a bit and off it went, and lo and behold? Somebody thinks I can write. And it's going to be published.

- Now to the caveat. When I tell you who is going to publish the article, some of you might take a pause. You see, it's a WebZine run by LDS women. Yes, you remember correctly, I am no longer LDS. But that has little relevance here -- you really should check out the site. If you are not bothered by the religious references (yes, some of them are specifically LDS, but if I can take it so can you, baby) you will find it's really quite a cool concept. Great photography abounds, as well as articles ranging from the educational to the spiritual to the just plain fun. (Recipes! I *heart* recipes!) So check it out. I find the music a little annoying, but I can easily turn it off and surf around the flash-happy menus and generally snake a few minutes of totally indulgent "feel-good" time.

- So! I have the bug. And so I reworked another short essay and submitted it to our itty-bitty local paper. Just on a lark, really. I sent it in through their website and promptly emptied the thought from the recycle bin of my brain... until today, when the very nice editor wrote to thank me for my submission and say that they "will definitely consider it for publication as a Guest Column". Not an official "you're in!" by any means, but it gave me a reason to smile for a few extra minutes today. And when is that not a good thing?

- When is that not a good thing, huh? Answer- (you so thought that was a rhetorical question, didn't you?) - when I get to spend a good portion of my day tomorrow at the courthouse, filing a civil action on behalf of the HOA against a member of the old board who is holding hostage a slew of HOA property: financial records, the corporate seal, the key to the P.O. box, and every contract and vendor contact item on file. Yeah, that makes it kinda hard to get anything done, doncha know. SO! The board has talked, called, emailed, been ignored, sent certified letters, been ignored and/or told off some more, and finally? Finally we are filing a lawsuit. Because on control-freakish woman can hold an entire neighborhood hostage. Fun, right?

- Okay, but we'll end on a happy note. HAPPY! I may actually go a little bat-you-know-what crazy and do something in the "grand gesture" family for Christmas this year. You know why? Because we deserve it. We've been very, very good this year (mostly) and I think this household deserves something magical this holiday season. But, alas, I fear I have already said too much.... SO!

Good Night!

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