Thursday, November 02, 2006

Which Witch is Which....

So I log into my stats this evening and immediately notice a huge jump in hits to my other blog. Which would be totally cool except for 2 things...

1) Somehow or other, through some horrid twist of circumstance, Alternamom ended up on the blogroll for NaBloPoMo.... even though I didn't actually sign that one up for this experiment in self-hatred. This explains the increased traffic (which I am attributing entirely to the fact that it is under the "A" section) and would also be totally cool except for...

2) I have been so busy with all the HOA, Studio, Kid, Halloween, Medical and Dental stuff of late that I have not updated since... oh.... October 11...

Which means the people pleaser in me... the tormented perfectionist (who will never forgive me for refusing to study for 3rd Period Physiology in the 10th grade and getting that D) totally crapped her pants when I realized that today is NOVEMBER 2.

I mean, I didn't sign it up for this thing. I had no intention of updating a time-suck-shopping-blog daily for a whole month... but... but... but... THE PEOPLE. They come! And I just know they're all thinking "What the hell?? Not updated since October 11th?" And their imagined criticism is making me all dark and twisty inside, so now I have to go back and cheat-post for yesterday. Because the gauntlet? It has been thrown down. (Albeit by the probably inadvertant mouse-click of one of Mrs. Kennedy's helper elves) And I am sooo up for the challenge of updating TWO blogs every day for a month. Even though the other one won't qualify for any fabulous NaBloPoMo Prizes. Because I am absolutely that sick and demented.

Masochism, people. It's the new black.

Speaking of black... That inner "me-demon" I keep referring to? I let her out for a few hours on Tuesday night. This is what she looked like.

That "deer in the headlights" look? That's pretty much what I looked like through most of adolescence.

Which reminds me... stay tuned tomorrow for 1994's Greatest Hits. Oh yes, my friends. The diary is coming out. Be afraid... Be very, very afraid.


Anonymous said...

My what pretty eyes you have little girl...

Now I'm going over to check out Alterna Mom...

I didn't kno you had another incarnation...

P.S. Nice cheekbones.

MeL said...

Oh, it's not another iteration exactly. More like... well, I just updated the template and it's pretty dead on. Digital methadone for a shopaholic. Because until the photo thing turns a profit? I really have to stop looking at vintage props. And eBay? Is the devil.

And the diary will be coming out. I mean, at this point? It will likely be totally anticlimactic. Or maybe not...