Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Keep On Truckin'

Thanks to all the folks who passed along computer help tips. I finally managed to get things settled down today, and my beloved laptop is running with much greater ease, speed, and efficiency. So all is much better with the world.

Which is fantastic, since after tomorrow I'll need all the processing power I can get to do after-work on 2 shoots I have scheduled for this week.

Don't get excited, these aren't paying gigs yet... however, they will - hopefully- result in images I will be able to put to good use in advertising. Both are with newborns, and both will give me ample opportunity to try out a few new props and some new retouching techniques. Very cool, indeed.

I finally got the basic form for the business website hashed out, and now I'm just filling in the details. I realized, rather quickly, that although I am doing as much on my own as is humanly possible (and beyond, in some cases) I am most decidedly not a gifted copywriter. I have a feeling I come off sounding vaguely creepy while attempting to convey convincing things about why people should let me take pictures of them that will hang on their wall for eternity. (Seriously. Remind me to tell y'all about the "Mental Ward" some day... Senior Pictures preserved in infamy through 19 years of graduations. Adolescence was not kind to most of us.)

And if anyone besides my relatives understands that last paragraph, I will totally send you a gold star.

And now? My brain is fried, my laptop needs rebooting, and I'm getting this post in under the wire. I'll catch y'all on the flip side.

And yes, I do realize I've been using "Y'all" a lot lately. It's growing on me, and rolls of the tongue (or fingers, in this case) so much more easily than "you guys" or the dreaded "you people". So get used to it, because it looks like I will be here in the South for a good while yet.

Y'all come back now, ya hear?


T. said...

My darling love -

Y'all is superior because of the absence of gender specifics. It's progressive in it's anachronistic way.

Also, West Virgnia - not the South. You know that darlin'! Jim Brown! We even still vote differently... wait for it... wait for it... but not anymore! WOOT!


Mocha said...

I'm totally stealing that line from valder: "progressive in it's anachronistic way". Awesome.

You know, you actually look like someone who would use "Y'all" and do it sounding so damn adorable doing it. You can pull it off.

Makes me wonder, however, what it is you're DOING to your computer. Did you pet it nicely and whisper sweet nothings into the motherboard?

Anonymous said...

*waves hand in the air* I write copy! I do. Sometimes I even get paid a ridiculous amount of money for it, considering I sit on my couch in my PJs and eat chocolate whilst coming up with convincing ad copy. For you? No charge.

I'm here if you need me. Just sayin'.