Tuesday, November 21, 2006

21 Days, 22 Questions

21. Hugs or kisses?
yes, please.

22. Cherry or Blueberry?
Cherry, but I wouldn't kick Blueberry out of bed.

23. Do you want your friends to email you back?
Seeing as how I am skipping the whole "email' part of this? likely, no.

24. Who is most likely to respond?
Sara-Sara! She's as obsessed with this blogging illness as I am....

25. Who is least likely to respond?
Hmmm. Probably Mom. I don't think she's ever done one of these things.

26. Living arrangements?
Really? Okay, here we go... T (the hubs), Jack (kid #1), Toby (kid #2), Chloe and Casper (the cats), Gizmo (the boxer puppy), Ultra (the Beta fish).

27. When was the last time you cried?
Last night in Therapy. But they were happy tears. Yeah, I said it. Now move it along, nothin' to see here...

28. What is on the floor of your closet?
Shoes. Shoes. And more Shoes.

29. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to?
Well, again, not technically "sending" it to anyone, but either way? Allie. She's known me since before I had boobies, and can still remember when I was a natural blonde.

30. What did you do last night?
Good question. Worked on Photog stuff, blogged, and contemplated my navel. It gets very linty this time of year.

31. Favorite smells?
Baking bread. Baby Magic baby wash. Baby Bees baby lotion. The smell of a campfire on clothes. Fall... that sweetly cloying smell of decay that brings memories of childhood afternoons walking home from school and crunching through the autumn leaves.

32. What inspires you?
Exceptional music. T. The boys. The stars. Evening breezes. A fresh pot of coffee. The sound of the ocean. Too many, many things.

33. What are you afraid of?
Phone calls. Death. Door-to-door salespeople. Spiders. Dentist visits. Screwing up my kids.

34. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers?
Cheese! Preferably with carmelized onions and sauteed mushrooms. At Five Guys would be perfection.

35. Country you would most like to visit?
France. I know, I know.. the French? They have a reputation. But I didn't study the language for 5 years for nothing, and the food makes me drool just in contemplation. And the wine? Oh My, the wine....

36. Favorite dog breed?
Boxer, of course.

37. Number of keys on your key ring?
5 with a purpose I can remember. 2 or 3 that mystify me. But you can't throw them away, because you never know.... you know?

38. How many years at your current job?
3 years, 4 months. The photog a good bit longer... since - oh, 1995 or so.

39. Favorite day of the week?
Friday. The weekend is just getting started, and I can look forward to Saturday without reservation. By Saturday, I'm dreading Sunday because it means the end of the weekend.

40. How many states have you lived in?
Eight. Wanna know which ones? Washington, Michigan, Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, California, and West Virginia.

41. Favorite holiday?

42. Ever driven a motorcycle or heavy machinery?
Are you insane? Just working as a secretary on a neuro ward, I saw enough motorcycle head traumas to last me a lifetime, thankyouverymuch. I like my brain. I just don't want to actually see what it looks like. I prefer to keep it inside my skull, and my limbs intact. I'm funny that way.

And there you are. I was going to tell you all about my comedy of errors in venturing out to the Preschool Thanksgiving Feast today, but I ran out of steam somewhere around the part where I got to "so I was scraping mashed sweet potatoes off the floor mat of the car and dumping them off on the shoulder of the highway, right where it ran across the river. All I could think was, "man, the deer are absolutely going to get nailed trying to get out here to eat this mush..."

See? Something to look forward to for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mocha said...

It's as if there weren't really enough questions to this thing because I simply want more. More Mel. All the time.

Was it audible when I snorted during the final paragraph about the dumping and scraping and deer getting nailed? Hilarious. Loved it.

Love you. MISS you.