Sunday, November 19, 2006

Lazy Days, Crazy Ways

This evening I will attempt something truly... um... mundane? Well, shoot. I'll just chalk up the tally of weekend events, for your viewing. If you can't sleep? This might just do the trick.

Look! I'm human nyquil!

Photos finished: 5

Tears shed: Umm... altogether or per photo? Yeah. Might have lost count.

BUT!: The Baby shoot from last week is almost good to go, and a few of the photos make me very, very warm and mushy inside. This job? It doesn't suck.

Shows watched with T: only 1 total show that I can recall... Friday night's BSG, which we watched last night. The rest was bits and pieces, and lots of running around and snippets of football here and there.

Thanksgiving Turkeys Purchased: 1. But. Oh. My. What a turkey. As my sister-in-law would say, Birdzilla is coming to dinner. All 22.46 pounds of him. Thank heaven I am not expected to actually cook this bird, as it would likely refuse to fit in our comically tiny oven. T will drop it at my brother's tomorrow morning, where it will live until the gorging feasting on Thursday.

Family members we'll be spending Thanksgiving with: 11.5 - the .5 being the fetal bundle currently renting space in the belly of Mrs. Doctor Budworth. Doc Bud being my older, and unforgivably cooler brother. A doctor who sings and plays mean guitar. I know, right? But at least I can knit. I totally have that on him.

Pounds of Potatoes to be turned into mashed, homemade goodness for Thursday: 10
We were raised on instant mashed potatoes in my family, and I still make them frequently. But for Thanksgiving? T nearly had to be shocked back to consciousness when he found out my family eats instant potatoes for Thanksgiving. He has since gone on a one-man crusade to convert us to the home-made variety, at least for holidays. Poor guy... he is in deep deep denial after being told that we actually like the instant kind. Though, at least in my case, not as well as his from scratch variety. I'm guessing it has something to do with the pound of butter and cream cheese that goes into the mix. How can you go wrong with that???

Hours of sleep I have missed by being up, yet again, past bedtime? Where's the dang infinity key on this box....?

1 comment:

Sara said...

Okay Mel, took me a moment to catch up: I agree with yer man on the potatoes..uh instant on turkey day! I forgive you, but still :) men buying xmas gifts on the list..yea you too eh? Mine bought the leaf blower he had been eyeing, really now?!? yer adult party story is way better than mine. You rock for having your imaginary umbrella fix it kit! and when exactly was WV consiered the South lol, the best is hearing my man say Y'all with a rhode island accent it rocks, but i say 'cah' instead of 'car' with a southern accent :) Whew, okay thanks for the occasional chuckles, your kiddies are too cute.