Sunday, November 05, 2006

Youthful Angst Of A Different Sort...

The elusive adolescent journal continues to elude me ... however, I have discovered a metric butt-load of stuff packed into some boxes my parents have offloaded to here the past few years. In fact, I found my fourth grade journal. We were required to write in it as a "learning exercise".

And let me tell you... I was a very weird kid. Let's just put that out there from the start.

And so, in the spirit of fairness, since I am as yet unable to provide the much-hyped tragic teen drama that was my high school experience, I give you selected excerpts from 1988-89. Misspelled words and all.

September 6, 1988

There isn't much I want to write about because I don't feel very good today, but I just want to say that so far this year has been o.k. and that I hope it will keep that up.
You will certinly see a change in me after Christmas because I will have been with [siblings who were away at college].

And of course, what childhood anecdote would be complete without recounting the time I had plantar warts burned off the bottoms of my feet...

October 26, 1988

Yesterday I got my warts burned off. First the doctor put in the needle. That was the most painful part (It was also the most painful thing I have aver gone thrue.) Then I couldn't feel my toe any more. Just to make sure he put the needle in one more time. It hurt so much I cried. Then he took a pen like thing and touched it to a wart. I coulnd't see anything but sparks. It was scary. I have medicine to take for my infection.

Ooooh Honey. You thought those shots were painful? Just wait another 15 years, when you'll get to push out a 10 pound baby.

And yes. I did warn you. I was a very weird kid. And if you are at all surprised by that? We should really chat because I totally need to talk to you about "Amway"....

1 comment:

Sara said...

I had mine frozen off however you have beat me out as i did not document the occasion. heheh. good times!