Monday, July 24, 2006

3 years or 36,000 miles.....

Happy Birthday Jack! Today, our Big Little Man turns 3. Which is funny, considering I know he was only born about a week ago. Right? Yeah, just go with me on this.

But if he was a car, the warranty would be expiring today. Which is normally when I get ready to trade up for a new model, but in this particular case I think we just might be in it for the long haul...

We celebrated on Saturday with a Pirate Birthday Party (per his request) and I got in touch with my inner Domestic Goddess and made him a Pirate Ship Birthday Cake. And just because it so kicked the ass of the birthday cakes I used to get, I present it here for your inspection.

AND, because I'm a big softie for the Froo-it of my Loy-unz, here is a quick retrospective of the glory to behold that is "The Jack".

And, even though it's Jack's special day, here's one of Toby for the hungry masses...

If the next 3 years pass as quickly as these, I'm in big trouble... Because that means I'll wake up tomorrow and be 30, and Jack will be in 1st grade. And I am SO not ready for that.


Anonymous said...

Well, Happy Birthday to Jack! This answers a big question that I've had for a while and that is that the Catholic started makin' babies earlier, but didn't put them as close together as certain other ex-religions. Also...Awesome Cake!

Sara said...

Mel -
awesome cake, you rock! and wow oh my god does Jack not look like his faher!?!?!?! scary stuff!
My oldest baby turned 8 a week ago, 3rd grade is around the corner; this scares me for so many reasons and the youngest carries a purse and wears sunglasses while shopping....when did I loose my little babies??
I locked mine in the car when she was 2, it was terrible and my heart went out to you while I read your story - at least the Italian came to your aide.
Keep an eye on those handsome boys of yours, my oh my they are getting so big!!

ninjapoodles said...

Jack is gorgeous, and that cake is amazing! Go, you!