Sunday, November 04, 2007

Somebody Stop Me.

You know, I never really went through an intense "Nesting Period" with my pregnancies. I just sorta nested throughout them at a "set your phasers to stun" level. I never quiet understood the impulse to Accomplish Everything Now that other women have described.

It would seem that the fuse for that feeling was lit the day my husband started travelling again.

We are now officially in week 2 of Singapore Sling Part Deux, and it now seems likely that T won't be home for an extra week. 3 straight weeks in Singapore and, before that, 3 days in NYC. (For anyone who is keeping score, or who has missed any of the other thousand times I may have mentioned it...)

The fuse has officially hit the black powder, and I have become a nesting freak. Today I hauled the boys out in the cold and we made one of our painful voyages to the Home Depot. I say "painful" because we have never managed to make it out of that place with less than a half-dozen trantrums and many a tear. And, typically, only a few of those are mine.

Luckily the time change seems to have screwed the kids up so much that they spent the 30 minutes it took me to pick out trim and molding (for finishing off the bookcase) staring at the high ceilings in a daze.

So the bookcase is now 99.99999% completed, and all that is left is to caulk in the gaps and fill in the nail holes. And, of course, the therapy. You'd think I would learn my lesson but - au contraire, mes amies! - I am already enthusiastically plotting my next home improvement project.

Honey? Please to be coming home soon. Before I end up regrouting showers in my sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't relate with the honey being gone. Mine took a job in Maryland and is flying home for weekends every 3 weeks or so. It sucks. It sucks so bad that I need to see a therapist now to provide encouragement and support so I do not loose it completely with my children...or pack my bags on a spontaneous trip to India or something.

Good luck!