Sunday, November 25, 2007

Will You Light My Candle?

After the supremely somber mood of yesterday's post, I had it in mind to make today's a more lighthearted affair.

I'm sorry to say that I am failing miserably in the attempt. My back has been killing me all day, and it took continual doses of ibuprofen and finally a prescription painkiller to knock it down to "tolerably painful" instead of "Sweet-Niblets-Just-Kill-Me-Now".

The kids and their dad enjoyed a mostly restful day of playing video games, watching the tee vee, and eating pizza. The house is a bit of a disaster, and we didn't actually manage to get the Christmas decorating done as we had planned.

But we'll make tomorrow a Family Night and decorate the tree then. With egg nog and Christmas tunes. And hopefully a much better prognosis for my back, after my doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon.

Until then, dear readers, Big Daddy and I are pouring the cabernet and heading downstairs so he can watch the movie version of Rent. I've seen it once before, and this will be his first time.

Someday? I'll make him take me to New York to see it all live and in person. Until then, this quiet evening at home will do quite nicely.


Anonymous said...

Oh how it sucks, that dreaded back pain! Hope things go well for you while having your Family Night O' Decorating! I am still decorating myself.

Anonymous said...

Poor Big Daddy T. I totally feel for him. I saw that one in SF, and if the movie is twice as good as that, it will only be slightly worse than 13 Going on 30.